The Future of Meniscus Repair and Regeneration Surgery

The Future of Meniscus Repair and Regeneration Surgery

London Cartilage Clinic

Written By London Cartilage Clinic

The services from London Cartilage Clinic integrate orthopaedics, sports medicine, and advanced surgical techniques to provide cutting-edge treatments for meniscus injuries. This article serves as an essential guide for understanding meniscus surgery, from the reasons behind it to the innovative techniques used in treatment and recovery. 

Who Needs Meniscus Surgery? 

Meniscus surgery is typically required by individuals who suffer from knee pain, discomfort, or lack of movement that is impacting their day-to-day lives. This can be caused by: 

Athletic Activity: Athletes and those who engage in fast-paced, agility-demanding sports and activities can be prone to meniscus tears. This often occurs when the knee joint rotates while the foot is planted. 

Osteoarthritis: Patients with arthritis or osteoarthritis may experience degeneration of the meniscus, increasing the likelihood of tears. 

Ligament Injuries: Those with ligament ruptures might sustain secondary meniscus damage, necessitating surgical intervention. Our services include both ACL repair and ACL reconstruction procedures. 

Meniscus Repair Techniques 

Meniscus repair has evolved significantly during the 21st century to minimise pain and shorten recovery times. The main outcome has been the surgery becoming less invasive with greater emphasis on preserving the knee’s natural functionality. 

Keyhole Surgery: This minimally invasive technique reduces recovery time and post-surgical discomfort. Pain management usually follows the RBR (Rest, Bandage, Raise) principle, supplemented by prescribed medications. 

Advanced Stitching Techniques: Innovations like the circumferential stitch and haybale technique have revolutionised meniscus repair, enhancing the stability and integrity of the knee. 

Regenerative Approaches: Utilising augmented membranes, biological glues, and growth factors, these methods encourage natural tissue regeneration, linking back to MSK Doctors’ expertise in musculoskeletal regeneration. 

Understanding Meniscus Tears and Repair surgery 

Meniscus tears can be caused by various factors, each affecting the approach to surgery. Common causes include: 

  • Twisting motions 
  • Direct impacts from athletic activities 
  • Cartilage degenerative due to osteoarthritis 

While many meniscus injuries can be effectively repaired, the success largely depends on the tear’s nature and the timing of the intervention. A fully qualified clinician will talk through these factors during a one-on-one consultation. 

Partial Meniscectomy 

Partial meniscectomy, often confused with meniscus repair, involves removing the damaged segment of the meniscus, usually when a repair is not feasible: 

Increased Joint Stress: This procedure can triple the load on the affected joint compartment, accelerating degenerative changes. 

Long-Term Effects: Although it alleviates immediate symptoms, partial meniscectomy can lead to long-term osteoarthritis complications. 

Meniscus Replacement Options 

For severely damaged menisci, replacement may be the best option: 

Biological and Artificial Replacements: Choices include grafts from cadavers or synthetic materials like silicone, each with its benefits and potential risks. 

Surgical Goals: The primary aim is to restore full knee function while minimizing the risk of complications such as infection or graft failure. 

Innovations in Meniscus Regeneration 

Non-surgical and surgical regeneration techniques are crucial in treating meniscus injuries without the need for invasive procedures: 

Non-Surgical Options: Treatments like Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are used to stimulate natural tissue regeneration. 

Surgical Regeneration: Techniques such as the STARR method use biological scaffolds to support and enhance meniscus repair, promising improved outcomes and faster recovery. 


Experts in knee cartilage repair and regeneration 

By taking a tailored approach, the London Cartilage Clinic team ensures every patient receives comprehensive care, designed to optimise healing and facilitate a return to an active lifestyle. We utilise leading advancements in meniscus injury treatment to help secure long lasting results. Contact us if you have any questions about our options for meniscus surgery. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If you experience persistent knee pain, swelling, or mechanical symptoms like locking, a consultation with an orthopaedic specialist is recommended.

Recovery can vary, but most patients begin to return to light activities within weeks, with full recovery taking several months.

Some minor tears, especially in well-vascularised areas, can heal with conservative treatments like physiotherapy and rest.

Risks include infection, nerve damage, and complications from anaesthesia, though these are minimized with modern surgical techniques.

Decisions are based on the individual’s overall health, activity level, and severity of symptoms, with the aim of preserving joint health and mobility.

Post-recovery, many athletes return to their previous levels of performance, though outcomes can vary based on the injury’s severity and the patient’s rehabilitation commitment.

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